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You have two easy ways to send your package to Dominican Republic:

  1. Take your package to one of our Shipping Locations; or,
  2. Process it yourself online with your BPS account.

Shipping through one of our Shipping Locations:

To make a shipment through one of our Shipping Locations is very easy. Just prepare your package following the guidelines in the section Packing Your Shipment  and visit one of our Shipping Locations  where a courteous personnel will assist you with your shipment. In the Shipping Locations you will be asked for the name, address and phone number of the sender (you) and for the receiver (the person you are sending to). Your package will be weighted and measured to determine shipping cost based on the service you choose (BPS Express, BPS Regular or BPS Economy), the delacred value, the contents and the optional additional insurance you may want to purchase. Once the shipping is processed, you will be informed about the cost.

If you agree with the shipping cost, your package will be labeled and you will receive a Package Receipt with all the information of your shipment.

Process it yourself online with your BPS account:

If you are not close to a Shipping Location or you prefer to do it yourself, prepare your shipment online using your BPS account. Enter the information, print the Label, affix it to your Package and send it to our Distrbution Center in Miami, Florida using the US Postal Service or any other service of your prefernce. Once we receive your package it will be immediately forwarded to your receiver in the Dominican Republic. It is very easy: Just prepare your package following the guidelines in the section Packing Your Shipment , create a Shipment completing the shipping form in Create a Shipment  and send it to us.

Once your package is received in our facilities in Miami, our system will notify you via email. You can also track your package at anytime using the Track button in the left side of the home page. 


(We encourage you to be accurate when declaring the value of your package and its contents. This is critical information for customs and insurer. Packages with declared values lower than real are subject to delay, higher duties and seize at customs authorities discretion. In case of losses, insurance protection will cover up to the declared value after an investigation showing compatibility with all the declared information in the shipment).




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